Drug overdose is the leading cause of injury deaths in Pierce County.

It’s the second leading cause of injury deaths for people 15–24 years old.

Fentanyl is a very strong opioid. It’s tasteless and odorless. You can’t tell what it is by looking at it.

Fentanyl is up to

0 x

stronger than heroin

0 x

stronger than morphine

We know those numbers are huge! It’s important you know them so you know why you should protect yourself.

Fentanyl can hurt you badly—much more so than other drugs—and you might not know all the reasons. You’re smart. Once you have the facts, you’ll know why you need to stay safer—and how to do it.

“A year ago, a young girl passed away. She was 11. From fentanyl. It was something youth needed to hear because when an adult ODs they can say, ‘Oh, that’s adults. That can’t happen to me…'”

Key-informant interview with staff at youth-facing organization

Be aware. Take care.

We learned from youth and people who care about youth.

We centered youth input in this campaign. More than 30 local youth provided detailed feedback on our creative work. Their ideas improved and shaped this website and our ads. We also talked to staff at organizations that help youth to learn how we can best help.

A campaign to help youth understand fentanyl.

You might see or hear our campaign online, on social media, on billboards or elsewhere. If you’d like to help, please share our messages! If you’d like to partner on this campaign or have questions, contact [email protected].

Harm reduction saves lives!

Use these methods and tools to stay safer:

  • Don’t use alone.
  • Use test strips.
  • Carry naloxone.
  • Know Good Samaritan laws. If you see an overdose, don’t be afraid to call 911.

Or, don’t use at all. It’s only safe to use drugs your healthcare provider appropriately prescribed.